Construction Management & QA Inspections |
GEE is committed to providing the client with high quality and responsive construction management services. Our services as the clients’ representative, GEE provides not-at-risk construction management services from the project inspection through the project completion phase. These services are tailored to the client’s needs. We have learned that the key to maintaining a good relationship with a client is to provide accurate and responsive service on a continuous basis. Consequently, by subscribing to this particular method of operation, we have consistently been able to meet and exceed client's expectations. The scope of services includes but are not limited to the following:
Basic Services:
Administrative, management and related services shall be ongoing throughout the entire project. GEE assists in establishing, maintaining, and helping to enforce adherence to project costs, time, and quality controls.
Pre-Construction Services:
Our pre-construction services include the following items:
- Assist the Owner's building committee with review and evaluation of bids received from general contractors, program goals, project budget and design.
- Prepare Owner Construction Cost Estimate if applicable.
- Participate in selection committee review of General Contract Proposals.
- Address construction questions received from the General Contractor on behalf of the owner.
- Attend Pre-Bid Conferences, as requested, by Owner.
- Attend Bid Opening and assist in the evaluation of bid proposals.
- Review General Contractor Bonding & Insurance requirements for compliance to contract documents.
- Prepare an integrated project schedule showing; Owner, Construction Manager, Architect of Record and General Contractor, based upon individual schedules from project team members.
Construction Phase:
- Monitor all General Contractor work from start to finish of the project, as required.
- Prepare daily inspector reports, review and furnish to the owner.
- Review the General Contractor or trade contractors’ construction schedule for compliance with contract documents.
- Direct General Contractor to take all necessary action to obtain sub-consultant bids on schedule.
- Issue Temporary Stop Work Orders whenever General Contractor is in non-compliance with contract documents.
- Rescind Stop Orders whenever General Contractor is in compliance with contract documents.
- Establish, maintain and enforce quality assurance and quality control program.
- Recommend special inspections or testing of materials on as-needed basis.
- Review proposed General Contractor Change Orders and make appropriate recommendations to Owner.
- Provide monthly reports of percentage of work completed and percentage of work remaining to be completed by unit address.
- Consult with Architect for interpretation of specifications and drawings.
GEE will be responsible for scheduling delivery and assuring that Owner-supplied items are moved to an Owner-supplied storage area.
- The Construction Manager will prepare punch list items and conduct walk-through with the Owner.
- Observe all contractor's utility checks, operational systems and equipment for readings.
- Schedule all final inspections and notify A/E to be present at the time of final inspection (24 hour advance notice).
- Oversee all materials, installation methods and equipment being entitled on this project.
Post-Construction Services:
Administer the Architect's final punch list to the General Contractor and ensure satisfactory completion of deficient items by the General Contractor.
- Receive and review all materials and workmanship guarantees from the General Contractor and forward to the Owner after Architect's approval.
- Receive and review all operations and maintenance manuals required for the building systems and forward to the Owner after Architect's approval.
- Administer the final accounting of the project including:
Review of the final Contractor Application for Payment
Resolution of all Change Orders
Resolution of Outstanding Construction Claims
Release of bonds and consent for final payment by Contractor's surety
Receive final release of liens from Contractor and sub-contractor and forward to Owner.
Receive and review final "as-built" plans from Contractor and forward to Owner after Architect's approval.
Observe Contractor's operating systems instruction or manuals, and meeting with Owner's maintenance personnel.
Finalize the Contract.